19th February 2025 @ 8.00pm - 11.00pm

Live music with Fras at the OBI

When is this event?

  1. 19th February 2025

Tickets £15 on sale 11th Nov

FRAS have stormed their way through the West coast of Scotland and beyond with their iconic pipe heavy sound. A thundering four piece from na Garbh Chrìochan of box, flute, pipes and guitar. FRAS blend old melodies and original tunes to create a crashing wave of highland music. Tearing up dancefloors in their wake and leaving audiences captivated. Their debut album, Dìle, is a forecast of what’s to come. More than just a shower, a heavy downpour: FRAS

Tha fìor dheagh ruitheaman air dheagh phuirt agus spiorad aig astar a tha cho taitneach ’s a tha a’ toirt ort a bhith ’son èisteachd ris a-rithist agus a-rithist… Frasan fuarain ciùil o na Garbh Chrìochan! Ailean Dòmhnullach

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