We Declare a Climate Emergency
We work in, represent businesses in and share with our visitors one of the worlds most special places. As a Chamber of Commerce and Destination Management Organisation representing businesses in the Cairngorms National Park we recognise the global crisis that is climate change and play our part in working collectively to address it.

We will:
- Develop a meaningful Climate Emergency Plan within one year and widely share and seek support for our Declaration and Plan. Our plan will aim to reduce our own carbon emissions over the next decade.
- Accept current IPCC advice stating the need to cut global carbon emissions to 55% below 2017 levels by 2030 to keep the planet within 1.5 degrees of warming.
- Advocate for change across the tourism industry.
- Encourage our members, suppliers and partners, including government bodies and NGO’s, to declare a Climate Emergency and to produce their own Climate Emergency Plans.
- Share information and best practice on how to create and implement a Climate Emergency Plan through practical solutions generated by our members.
Cairngorms Business Partnership / VisitCairngorms
September 2021
For more information on TOURISM DECLARES visit https://www.tourismdeclares.com
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